City of Moody, Texas
P.O. Box 68 606 Ave E.
Moody TX 76557
254-853-2314 Fax : 254-853-2164
MINUTES of the City Council, November 14, 2023
The city council of Moody, Texas met in a regular session, November 14, 2023. This meeting was duly announced in accordance with Title 5, Chapter 551, of the Texas Government Code. The following items were addressed:
- CALL TO ORDER, ESTABLISH A QUORUM IS PRESENT. Mayor Charleen Dowell called the Moody City Council to order, determined that a quorum was present with Mayor Pro-Tem, John Carpenter, Richard Moore, Karla Alton, Jennifer Houghton and Josh Richter present. Members of the Council Bar also in attendance were the City Administrator and Chief of Police. The City Council was called to order and the council meeting started at 6:00pm.
- PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE & PRAYER. The group assembled in the pledge to the U.S. Flag and to the Texas Flag. The group offered a prayer for the group and proceedings.
- Public comments on non-agenda items.
- Public Comments on agenda items.
- Council was asked to approve the minutes from meeting on October 10th. Motion was made by Josh Richter to approve the minutes with the correction to be made for the use of John Richter instead of Josh Richter on Item #7. John Carpenter seconded the motion, all for and none against, motion passes, correction will be made.
- Ms. Tammie King was present to discuss a sewer stop up that happened at the residence at 201 Whitson. Council has asked the City Manager, Keith Fisher to reach out to TML, the City’s insurance company, to discuss and see what can be done in order to take care of the situation.
- Ben Rosenberg, the City’s financial advisor was in attendance along with Angela Avila and brought forward to the council the details for the T.W.B.D. Loan for the W.W.T.P. He states that this is the meeting that Council must vote on to continue with the process. A motion to approve both Series 2023A and Series 2023B is made by Josh Richter and seconded by Jennifer Houghton. All for and none against, motion passes.
- Item #10 Vincent Guerra was in attendance and discussed that he would like to build some duplexes at 402 McCurdy, 403 6th and at 407 2nd street. Council has asked the City Manager to look more into the process and what would be needed and get back to Mr. Guerra.
Item #11 The City Manager presented to the council the current situation in regard to the health insurance for the City employees going up this year. He is asking council for the amount that the city helps with for insurance to go up from $450 to $530. Council has requested more information about where the money will come from. A motion was made by Richard Moore to table Item #11 and was seconded by Jennifer Houghton. Item was tabled.
- Item #12 and #13 were discussed in Executive Session that began at 6:40 p.m. and the meeting reconvened at 7:28 p.m. Item to report from the executive session was that the City Attorney Denny Lessman is asking council if they would approve to execute a contract between the City and Midtex Abatement going forward. A motion was made by Josh Richter and seconded by Jennifer Houghton. All for and none against, motion passes.
- Staff reports were given by the Utility Director, Police Chief and the City Manager.
- A motion was made by Jennifer Houghton for adjournment and was seconded by Josh Richter, all for and none against. Meeting was adjourned at 7:43 p.m.

Submitted by Renae Rivera