City of Moody, Texas

P.O. Box 68 606 Ave E.

Moody -rx 76557

                            254-853-2314                                    Fax : 254-853-2164

MINUTES of the City Council, March 15, 2023

The city council of Moody, Texas met in a regular session, March 15, 2023. This meeting was duly announced in accordance with Title 5, Chapter 551, of the Texas Government Code. The following items were addressed:

1. CALL TO ORDER, ESTABLISH A QUORUM IS PRESENT. Mayor Charleen Dowell called the

Moody City Council to order, determined that a quorum was present with Mayor ProTem, John Carpenter, Richard Moore, Karla Alton, and Josh Richter present. Members of the Council Bar also in attendance were the City Administrator and Chief Of Police. The City Council was called to order and the council meeting started at 6:00pm.

2 . PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE & PRAYER. The group assembled in the pledge to the U.S. Flag and to the Texas Flag. The group offered a prayer for the group and proceedings.

3. Public comments on agenda items.

John Pierce spoke on him being attacked by a pack of a dogs and bitten, he explained how he had a large hospital bill that he was having to pay due to multiple rabies shots that he was given. He voiced his concern for the need for an animal control officer in the City of Moody, and how he feels if the City had one the incident could have been avoided.

Lee Eubanks gave an explanation of the Trade Fair that they are requesting to have May 6th. This was done the previous year with success. Lee Eubanks and the Library were requesting the possibility to repeat the event and barricades for the function from the City.

4. Public comments on non-agenda items. None.

5. Council was asked to review and approve the Council minutes from the previous Council meeting on February 14, 2023. A motion was made by Josh Richter to approve and was seconded by Richard Moore. All for and none against. The motion was passed.

Agenda Item #6 Addressing Council on a need for a dog catcher : City Manager, Keith Fisher explained to the Council that he had spoke with the City Manager from Bruceville Eddy and was trying to see if they could be interested in splitting the cost of an animal control person. Council members voiced concerns about the suggestion, asking how this would work and if this had worked with other smaller towns. Chief Kennedy did state that the City of Bruceville Eddy did not currently have a contract with Waco Animal Shelter, where we did. There was also an acknowledgement from the Chief of Police that if a dog tries to attack and a resident is armed proper precaution in order to protect themselves and their family should be taken. This will be looked at further and discussed again at the following meeting. No action was taken.

7. Agenda Item #7 Trade Fair, Farmers Market, and Community Garage Sale. The City Manager asked where the money goes from the event, the answer was given that 20% goes to the City and 70% goes to the library. Acknowledgement was made that this was a successful event last year with no known issues. Josh Richter made a motion to approve and was seconded by Richard Moore. All for and none against.

8. Agenda Item #8 Ambulance Service, Jennifer Houghton explained to council that she can no longer run the ambulance service and was requesting that the ambulance join the Fire Department. The Council voiced concerns in regard to the funds from the ambulance and how the service would be absorbed. Council made a request for the Fire Department and the Ambulance Department to have a meeting to iron out the details of the merge before the next council meeting. No action was taken. 

9. Staff reports were given by the utility director, Police Chief and the City Manager.

10. No executive session was needed.

11. Adjournment. Richard Moore made a motion to adjourn and was seconded by John Carpenter. All for and none against. Meeting was adjourned at 6 :45p.m.

Submitted by Renae Rivera

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