Council Recognizes and Applauds Citizen Volunteers

Tina Herod Eaton Mayor – Richard Moore, Alderman
Daniel Welch, Alderman – Robert Siler, Alderman
Doloras Inge, Mayor Pro-Tem – William A. Sterling, City Administrator


WHEREAS; Community is a needed circumstance for human growth and development as well as a necessity for the happiness and fulfillment of associated and individual lives.

WHEREAS; In small Communities many persons depend upon others to volunteer for safety, security, civic support services, and social activities which large Communities provide foundational support through tax supported programs.

WHEREAS; Communities stagnate and fail to prosper or maintain a good quality of life without the dedication and contribution of individuals.

BE IT UNDERSTOOD; Communities flourish when new volunteers bring added energy, knowledge, and desire to serve others. Communities and community organizations prosper with the essential assets of able newcomers.

BE IT ADDITIONALLY UNDERSTOOD; that most volunteers serve humbly without fanfare or desire for credit. They quietly, humbly serve without accolades performing the multitude of minor actions which enhance the daily life of individuals and make Moody a Community that all would desire to live in.

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED; that the City Council of Moody approves this Public Acknowledgment and extends its thanksgiving and appreciation to the following Volunteer Groups and to all the unknown and unsung persons who make Moody a better place to live:
Moody Beautification Committee
Moody Community Library Board and Volunteers
Central Texas Animal Rescue
Moody Youth Sports Association
Moody Volunteer Fire Department
Moody Volunteer First Responders
The many unknown volunteers, Social, Civic, and Fraternal Groups who participate and support Moody by serving in: the Moody Spring & Fall Cleanups, The Better Day efforts of this past Fall, placing flags on the graves of our Veterans, Cotton Harvest Festival Workers, and to those who reach out to their neighbors to offer a helping hand, a kind word, or just a smile. For these and to these the Moody City Council expresses its thanksgiving.

PASSED AND APPROVED with the subsequent required actions in so doing are hereby authorized and confirmed as the act of the City Council of the City of Moody, TX.

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