The City council of Moody, Texas met in a called session on February 01, 2022. This meeting was duly announced in accordance with Title 5, Chapter 551, of the Texas Government Code. The following agenda items were addressed.
- CALL TO ORDER, ESTABLISH A QUORUM IS PRESENT. Mayor Dowell called the called session, of the Moody City Council to order, determined that a quorum was present with Mayor Charleen Dowell, Richard Moore, Karla Alton, Jennifer Houghton, Josh Richter and John Carpenter. Members of the Council Bar also in attendance were City Administrator, and the Police Chief. The City Council was called to order and the called session started at 6:00 PM.
- PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE & PRAYER. The group assembled in the pledge to the U.S. Flag and to the Texas Flag. The group offered a prayer for the group and proceedings.
- Public comments on non- agenda items.
4. Public comments on agenda items.
Randy Gates – talked about canvassing of the election.
5. Canvassing results from the Mclennan County Election office, were presented in each council packet. Motion was made to approve the election results provided by Mclennan County. Motion was made by Richard Moore and seconded by Karla Alton. All for and none against.
6. The three new council council members were sworn in and took the oath of office. These officers were Karla Alton, Jennifer Houghton, and Josh Richter.
submitted by: Keith Fisher