City of Moody, Texas

P.O. Box 68     606 Ave E.

Moody TX 76557

254-853-2314                                      Fax : 254-853-2164

MINUTES of the City Council, February 14, 2023

The city council of Moody, Texas met in a regular session, February 14, 2023. This meeting was duly announced in accordance with Title 5, Chapter 551, of the Texas Government Code. The following items were addressed:

  1. CALL TO ORDER, ESTABLISH A QUORUM IS PRESENT. Mayor Charleen Dowell called the Moody City Council to order, determined that a quorum was present with Mayor Pro­ Tem, John Carpenter, Richard Moore, Karla Alton, Josh Richter, and Jennifer Houghton present. Members of the Council Bar also in attendance were the City Administrator and Chief of Police. The City Council was called to order and the council meeting started at 6:00pm.
  2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE & PRAYER. The group assembled in the pledge to the U.S. Flag and to the Texas Flag. The group offered a prayer for the group and proceedings.
  3. Public comments on non-agenda items.

Joe Zuehlke addressed the council and spoke on wanting permission from council to open his store and also stating that he has permits for the other properties and only needed a few things to get them up to code.

4. Public Comments on agenda items.


5. Council was asked to review and approve the city council minutes from regular meeting 1/10/2023. A motion was made by Josh Richter to approve with the exception that a correction be made to the agenda that stated that the minutes were from 1/10/2022. Motion was seconded by John Carpenter. Motion was passed with all in favor and none against.

6. Item #6 Bank Signature Cards: Council was asked to sign new bank signature cards.

7. Item #7 Grant Resolutions: City Administrator, Keith Fisher asked council to review Grant Resolutions that had been previously discussed that included code of conduct policy, excessive force policy, and fair housing policy. These were reviewed and a motion to approve was made by Josh Richter and seconded by Jennifer Houghton. Motion was passed with all in favor and none against.

8. Item #8 Water Rates: Council was asked to consider authorizing adjusting the rates for water service stating that Bluebonnet W.S.C. has raised their water rates for wholesale water from $3.20 per thousand gallons of water to $3.50 per thousand gallons of water. The new rate for inside the city limits if approved would be: $47.38 base charge and $67.38 base charge for outside the city limits. Motion was made by Josh Richter to approve and was seconded by Jennifer Houghton. Motion was passed with all in favor and none against.

9. Item #9 Garbage Rates: Council was asked to consider authorizing an increase of $1.30 per customer which would be $18.30 per customer instead of $17.00 per customer. This increase is being considered due to Waste Connections raising their rates per customer. The motion was made to approve by Josh Richter and seconded by Jennifer Houghton. Motion was passed with all in favor and none against.

10. Staff reports were given by Utility Director, Police Chief and the City Administrator.

11. No executive session was needed.

12. Adjournment. Meeting was adjourned at 6.26 p.m.

Submitted by Renae Rivera

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